
Lab & Research

Conducting Odour Laboratory Research

Scentroid Quick Tip Odor Control
Build your own olfactometric laboratory for your research and let Scentroid odour experts guide you through a complex network of odour classifications.
As every study is unique, we understand that our programs must adapt with the study. At times, this means that new forms of test modules and procedures must be developed.
Your study will be treated as our own; we will ensure you have the appropriate resources and consultants dedicated to completing it.
We recommend using our PTFE bags for sampling because this is the only accepted material for all standards.

How Can Scentroid Help with

Conducting Odour Laboratory Research

Interested in starting your own olfactometric laboratory but don’t know where to start? Or perhaps you are conducting research on creating the perfect perfume but don’t own the necessary equipment for testing?

Scentroid can supply you with the perfect olfactometer, and not only that, we will also specify and provide air supply units. With this, plus on site training and certification, you could have your very own lab running in no time.

Olfactometers are devices used to determine an odour measurement; concentration, intensity, and hedonic tone. Our devices have the capability of odour measurement and analysis to all international olfactometry standards.

Moreover, we supply laboratory software for managing in-field sample information, reporting capabilities, bar code tracking, and full integration with all Scentroid olfactometers.

Multiple Panelists

The Scentroid SS400 Portable Olfactometer Odour Lab is in compact, flexible form that allows for easy transportation and deployment. SS400 allows up to panelist for olfactory testing at the same time.

Another Olfactometer SS600 is designed for fast and efficient testing which allows you to complete seven samples per hour with three rounds and five dilution steps each.

Why Choose Scentroid's Service


Product Assistance

Not sure which device is required to achieve the desired end result? We can help with that! We will even recommend the perfect air supply system


Design of Laboratory

Certain devices require appropriate laboratory spaces in order to operate safely and efficiently. Our experts will travel to your site and help you plan your laboratory space

On-site Training

Our dedicated support team will train all relevant staff members using our N-Butanol system along with device training


Design of HVAC System

A major component of olfactometric testing is having the right ventilation for the job. In order to properly ventilate your facility, certain measures must be considered when building your HVAC system

Mobile Olfactometer

The Scentroid’s Portable Olfactometer SC300 can perform any odour test mode you require including a true 3 port triangular forced-choice as well as binary, hedonic tone, and direct presentation.

Ask a Scentroid Representative how we can help with your Odour Laboratory Research!

The combination of heat and humidity allows bacteria to grow faster and smells to travel farther, said Victoria Henshaw, who researches urban smells throughout the world.
NBC News, “Ooooh, that smell! Odors rise with the temperature”, 2013
Smell involves about 400 unique receptors. Each of the hundreds of thousands of scents we can detect is made of a mixture of different odor molecules.
University of California San Francisco, “Making Sense of Scents”, 2023
Before our brains even evolved into what they are today, ancient man relied on his sense of smell to find food and avoid spoiled or poisonous things in nature.
StudySmarter, “Olfactory System”, 2024

PTFE Sampling Bags

PTFE sampling bags are perfect for sampling air for high accuracy lab result.
Here’s the main reasons for using PTFE bags for your laboratory research:


Sensor Information Management System

SIMS3 sensor information management software,  is our all-inclusive software used to view and analyze historical data, run diagnostics, make predictions, and configure various settings for your supported Scentroid device. It offers a complete and integrated suite for ambient air chemical analysis and odor management. SIMS3 can collect data from thousands of devices covering an entire area, using a unique and highly intuitive facility control system.

Powered by
Artificial Intelligence

SIMS3 transforms air quality monitoring and air dispersion modeling with the power of AI. Our user-friendly interface offers intuitive access to a range of features including pollutant threat assessment, air quality alerts, historical data analysis, sample tracking, plume detection, empowering users of all levels to conduct sophisticated data analytics effortlessly.

Mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with a computer simulation of a pollutant dispersion model.

SIMS3 Analytics

View data in several formats including temporal view, statistical view, AQI Analysis view, and heat map.

Event Analytics

Take your analytic capabilities even further by analyzing your recorded events, event types, and overall event activity. In this module, you will be able to determine your most triggered event type and the days with the highest recorded activity.

We have the database that lists, by source, the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere during a specific time period.


Temporal Mode

As shown here in temporal view, the user can Isolate or compare collected sensor data for any user-defined timeframe in an easy to read chart. Any event or event type that occured within the specified timeframe is also tracked.


Statistical Mode

Isolate and determine individual sensor reading trends with our detailed statistical analysis view. Data is presented as percentages vs concentration for quick reference. A data trend guide displays whether your tracked chemical readings are displaying an increase or decrease.


AQI Analysis

Based on established AQI Thresholds (either automatically generated or user-defined), view recorded AQI for any period of time. This module will also allow you to view how many times AQI exceeded these thresholds, and for how long (percentage).


Heat Map

View each individual sensor’s heat map within a user-defined period. Concentration is presented in this format to assist the user with visually defining patterns and trends. Heat map data is presented as date vs. time.

Export Reports

The SIMS3 reporting module provides you with the tools you need to make informed decisions regarding your monitoring projects. At the click of a button, this document generates averages as well as thorough individual sensor reports. Users can schedule weekly, monthly, or annual reports emailed directly to them once generated!

Other Scentroid Services

Seek advice from our odour monitor experts and environmental consultants to help you improve the accuracy and reliability of your monitoring projects.

Scentroid is a world leader in air quality and odour monitoring. We have wearable, portable and stationary olfactometers that can help with your medical research. Contact our consultant to see how we can help you! 

We offer samplers and sampling bags when you need gas to be captured for lab analysis.

Alarm levels can be set up based on individual pollutants or on odour concentration. Breaching the designated alarm thresholds will trigger SMS and/or email alerts to be sent out to authorized operators. 

Scentroid is capable of providing you and your facility with several reports ranging from SIMS3 outputs, to odour testing results based on your facility’s requirements. Several report types can be autogenerated using our SIMS3 platform.

Our AQmini Monitor will detect whenever a particular room’s air quality drops to below optimal levels.

Ask a Scentroid Representative how we can help with your Odour Laboratory Research!

Scentroid's Product

Scentroid provides a wide variety of products to assist you with your odour related research. From hand-held olfactometer to stationary olfactometer, Scentroid has you covered!

Health & Medical Related References

Developed an Odour Management Plan, Odour impact study including sampling, dispersion modeling, and laboratory analysis. Covers the entirety of Ras Laffan and continuous Odour monitoring system design and implementation.
Saudi Kayan
Provided Odour source Identification, Odour sampling and chemical plus olfactometric analysis, Odour dispersion modeling, Mitigation efficiency assessments.
Dolphin Refinery
Conducted a full odour monitoring project, Developed and established a technical team. Conducted on-going baseline odor measurements, Setup odor baseline levels, Chemical compound analysis using mobile GCMS. Investigation of chemical tracers and Odor impact assessment. Source prioritization, Developed a mitigation plan and Established communication plans.
Qatar Gas
Established an Odour monitoring project, Conducted on-going baseline odor measurements, Setup odor baseline levels, Chemical compound analysis, Operations and process incident odor impact monitoring and Provided team with Scentroid equipment and training.
...Plus many more!
Contact Scentroid today!


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