- 416.479.0078
- info@scentroid.com
70 Innovator Ave. Unit 7
Stouffville, ON. L4A 0Y2
Understanding Chemical Odours: What Do They Mean for Your Health?
Odour can be a clue of what chemical might be in the air. Our chemical sensor technology is designed to accurately detect and measure a wide range of airborne particles.
We ensure resources are well spent and that results obtained are of the highest standards, as is expected of Scentroid. Learn more about our chemical sensor technology!
Each analyzer can be customized with the specific sensors that are best suited for your industry, and the odours you need to monitor.
Can be equipped with up to 11 sensors from our sensor list. Studies have shown a 98% accuracy retention even in extreme weather conditions.
Delivers highly accurate data on PM 1, 2.5, 4, and 10, Temperature and Relative Humidity with compact design and seamless cloud connectivity.
The AQmini is the first high powered & cost effective Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring solution for your enclosed space, including Toxins etc.