How Can Scentroid Help with
Conducting Odour related Medical Research and Customized Product
Scentroid can provide customized instruments, training, and even research assistance for psychological, health and medical researchers. Our state-of-the-art olfactometers provide a complete solution of EEG, multi-odourant olfactometer, visual stimulation, and data collection system. Synthetic odour kits allow researchers to develop any odour samples to meet their requirements.
Our team of experts can customize and create any number of instruments based on your specifications. Our unique position as both instrument manufacturer and research center allow us to develop sophisticated yet low-cost custom testing equipment and simulated environments.
Conducting Odour related
Medical Research
Scentroid SC300P (Scientific Olfactometer) is a specialized multi-sensory olfactometer with EEG and FNIR capabilities for advanced psychological and physiological research and treatment. Researchers and doctors use SC300P to treat a variety of disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder.
Use the SC300P Scientific Olfactometer for:
- Olfactory Sensitivity Testing
- PTSD Study and Treatment
- Diagnostic and Treatment of Olfactory Disorders
- Product Testing and Market Research
- Multi-Sensory Psychological Studies Linking Scent to Brainwaves
How It Works

Prepare Air Samples
Clean air is supplied by the portable air supply module and up to 8 samples are connected to the same sample ports

Begin with Test Mode
Panelists are fitted with an EEG cap and the system is set to record responses. A test mode is selected, and audio and visual data is loaded for the presentation

Sensory Presentation
The SC300P will then present olfactory, audio, and video stimuli in accordance with the defined test mode

Record EEG Triggers
During each presentation, the SC300P will trigger the EEG with the identification of audio, video and olfactory stimuli presented
Customized Medical Product
After understand the requirements from our client, we designed and built a Surgical Olfactometer(SE700) made for delivering odorants to patients with absolute precision in concentration and duration. The instrument interfaces with an EEG machine to determine the response of the patient to the administered odorants.
The user monitors through the built in 22” touch screen with parameters include:
- Air Flow Rate
- Pulse Duration
- Odorant Mixture
- Odorant Concentration
Let Scentroid help you with Medical Research or Air Monitoring Healthcare Facilities!
Scentroid's Solution for
Healthcare Facility Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Indoor Air Monitor AQmini can play a key role in Hospitals, Medical Facilities, Dentistry, Pharmaceuticals to ensure critical spaces are safe from contamination. Through monitoring pressure, you can ensure your HVAC system is providing adequate positive pressure for air isolation.
UV disinfectants used widely in hospital isolation rooms can cause free ozone to be released indoors, capable of causing severe health issues. The use of disinfectants and sanitizers in general will release harmful volatile organic compounds into the air causing short-term and long-term health effects on patients, staff and visitors.
Indoor Air Quality Monitor
The AQmini is the first high powered & cost effective Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring solution for your enclosed space and will detect whenever a particular room’s air quality drops to below optimal levels.
AQmini collects data and presents it to the user with a scale of Viral Transmission Score (VTS). The scale can be effected by:
- Dust (Particulates)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Water Droplets
- Barometric Pressure

PTFE Sampling Bags
PTFE sampling bags are perfect for sampling air for high accuracy lab result.
Here’s the main reasons for using PTFE bags for your medical research:
- Ultra-pure PTFE film with exceptional sample preservation
- Low sample absorption
- Excellent stability for most compounds
- Stocked in a variety of sizes; custom bags available
Let Scentroid help you with Medical Research or Air Monitoring Healthcare Facilities!
Sensor Information Management System
SIMS3 sensor information management software, is our all-inclusive software used to view and analyze historical data, run diagnostics, make predictions, and configure various settings for your supported Scentroid device. It offers a complete and integrated suite for ambient air chemical analysis and odor management. SIMS3 can collect data from thousands of devices covering an entire area, using a unique and highly intuitive facility control system.
Powered by
Artificial Intelligence
SIMS3 transforms air quality monitoring and air dispersion modeling with the power of AI. Our user-friendly interface offers intuitive access to a range of features including pollutant threat assessment, air quality alerts, historical data analysis, sample tracking, plume detection, empowering users of all levels to conduct sophisticated data analytics effortlessly.
Mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with a computer simulation of a pollutant dispersion model.
SIMS3 Analytics
View data in several formats including temporal view, statistical view, AQI Analysis view, and heat map.

Event Analytics
Take your analytic capabilities even further by analyzing your recorded events, event types, and overall event activity. In this module, you will be able to determine your most triggered event type and the days with the highest recorded activity.
We have the database that lists, by source, the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere during a specific time period.

Temporal Mode
As shown here in temporal view, the user can Isolate or compare collected sensor data for any user-defined timeframe in an easy to read chart. Any event or event type that occured within the specified timeframe is also tracked.

Statistical Mode
Isolate and determine individual sensor reading trends with our detailed statistical analysis view. Data is presented as percentages vs concentration for quick reference. A data trend guide displays whether your tracked chemical readings are displaying an increase or decrease.

AQI Analysis
Based on established AQI Thresholds (either automatically generated or user-defined), view recorded AQI for any period of time. This module will also allow you to view how many times AQI exceeded these thresholds, and for how long (percentage).

Heat Map
View each individual sensor’s heat map within a user-defined period. Concentration is presented in this format to assist the user with visually defining patterns and trends. Heat map data is presented as date vs. time.
Export Reports
The SIMS3 reporting module provides you with the tools you need to make informed decisions regarding your monitoring projects. At the click of a button, this document generates averages as well as thorough individual sensor reports. Users can schedule weekly, monthly, or annual reports emailed directly to them once generated!
Other Scentroid Services
Seek advice from our odour monitor experts and environmental consultants to help you improve the accuracy and reliability of your monitoring projects.
Scentroid is a world leader in air quality and odour monitoring. We have wearable, portable and stationary olfactometers that can help with your medical research. Contact our consultant to see how we can help you!
We offer samplers and sampling bags when you need gas to be captured for lab analysis.
Alarm levels can be set up based on individual pollutants or on odour concentration. Breaching the designated alarm thresholds will trigger SMS and/or email alerts to be sent out to authorized operators.
Scentroid is capable of providing you and your facility with several reports ranging from SIMS3 outputs, to odour testing results based on your facility’s requirements. Several report types can be autogenerated using our SIMS3 platform.
We can assist with continuously monitoring the air quality around the boundary of your facility. This is typically used in settings where emissions and pollutants may potentially affect a community.
Let Scentroid help you with Medical Research or Air Monitoring Healthcare Facilities!
Scentroid's Product
Scentroid provides a wide variety of products to assist you with your odour related research. From olfactometer to customized medical product, Scentroid has you covered!
Health & Medical Related References