- 416.479.0078
- info@scentroid.com
70 Innovator Ave. Unit 7
Stouffville, ON. L4A 0Y2
To optimize and simplify your Air Quality and Olfactometric Monitoring and Analysis requirements, we are now offering a series of Product Bundle. At Scentroid, we understand each industry has its own unique requirements and we recommend the following bundles that can be customized for different applications.
This product bundle will provide you with a complete odor measurement result. In particular, the SM100i’s advantages include having a wearable, portable, in-field olfactometer that delivers real-time odor level results while being easily transportable to other locations in and around the monitored area.
Furthermore, utilizing the VC20 vacuum chamber, coupled with our unique PTFE sample collection bags, allows for the effective collection of ambient air, which can then be sent to a third-party lab for further testing. Additionally, if pollutant analysis is required, the addition of the CTmini Chemical Analyzer can be used for continuous monitoring of selected chemicals, thereby providing live results and storing historical data for future use.
The SF450 Flux Chamber is used to capture emissions from liquid (e.g. wastewater, ponds, lagoons) emissions source and can also be used on solid surfaces as well. For lab results, the captured emissions will be transferred by our VC20 Vacuum Chamber to a PTFE Sample Bag.
If required, Scentroid will connect the SF450 directly to the TR8 Odotracker for instant chemical analysis. Having real-time analysis from the TR8 will assist in determining the next spot for analysis or sample collection. Additionally, the TR8 will also save all recorded data on board to allow for future analysis. This product bundle gives you flexibility and efficiency during your testing phase.
Integrating our Compact Weather Station with our CTmini Chemical Analyzer, will provide real-time measurements (when WiFi or Cellular networks are available), while always storing data to an internal SD Card, for Particulate Matter (PM1, 2.5, 4, and 10), CO2, NOX Index, VOC Index, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed and Direction, Precipitation, UV and Radiation detection.
A Replaceable/Rechargeable Battery in the CTmini will provide convenient portability to analyze the locations that you require. If you have a permanent location that has no power outlet that you would like to monitor air, Scentroid will integrate Solar Solutions and/or Wind Turbines to the CTmini. This product bundle will give you flexibility when monitoring air for non-powered and remote locations.
Our DR2000 Drone-Based Air Quality Monitor specifically designed to collect and monitor airborne chemicals in real-time, for hard to reach or hazardous locations not easily or quickly accessible. By integrating our Drone-Based Weather Station and Thermal Camera, you are not only receiving chemical concentration data from our chemical sensers, but also wind speed/direction data and thermal images. All data is stored internally for future analysis.
Our integrated Sample Acquisition System can be activated by the operator to simultaneously collect Air Samples during flight for future Lab analysis. Overall, this product bundle will provide a complete result of your assessment.
Wearable, easy-to-use, cost-effective device to provide standardized, accurate and
verifiable odour levels measurements.
Scentroid is the only manufacturer offering PTFE sampling bags, the only accepted material for all standards.
Portable, easy-to-use, cost-effective Gas Collection Sampler used in conjunction with Sample Collection Bags.
Customizable Particulate Matter Monitor – Provides real-time and recorded data for PM1, 2.5, 4, and 10, CO2, NOx Index, VOC Index, Temperature and Relative Humidity.
This product bundle will provide you a complete odour measurement result. The SM100i’s advantages include having a wearable, portable, in-field olfactometer to provide real-time odour level results while being easily transportable to other locations in and around the monitored area.
Utilizing the VC20 vacuum Chamber coupled with our unique PTFE Sample Collection Bags allow the collection of ambient air which can then be sent to a third-party lab for further testing. If pollutant analysis is required, the addition of the CTmini Chemical Analyzer can be used for continuous monitoring of selected chemicals to provide live results and store historical data for future use.
Scentroid is the only manufacturer offering PTFE sampling bags, the only accepted material for all standards.
Portable, easy-to-use, cost-effective Gas Collection Sampler used in conjunction with Sample Collection Bags.
Portable, muti-sensor analysis tool that simultaneously measures and records two
chemicals in ambient air.
The SF450 Flux Chamber is used to capture emissions from liquid (e.g. wastewater, ponds, lagoons) emissions source and can also be used on solid surfaces as well. For lab results, the captured emissions will be transferred by our VC20 Vacuum Chamber to a PTFE Sample Bag.
If required, Scentroid will connect the SF450 directly to the TR8 Odotracker for instant chemical analysis. Having real-time analysis from the TR8 will assist in determining the next spot for analysis or sample collection. Additionally, the TR8 will also save all recorded data on board to allow for future analysis. This product bundle gives you flexibility and efficiency during your testing phase.
Customizable Particulate Matter Monitor – Provides real-time and recorded data for PM1, 2.5, 4, and 10, CO2, NOx Index, VOC Index, Temperature and Relative Humidity.
Our trusted weather station module features an advanced combination of sensing methods used to record temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, and precipitation.
Integrating our Compact Weather Station with our CTmini Chemical Analyzer, will provide real-time measurements (when WiFi or Cellular networks are available), while always storing data to an internal SD Card, for Particulate Matter (PM1, 2.5, 4, and 10), CO2, NOX Index, VOC Index, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed and Direction, Precipitation, UV and Radiation detection.
A Replaceable/Rechargeable Battery in the CTmini will provide convenient portability to analyze the locations that you require. If you have a permanent location that has no power outlet that you would like to monitor air, Scentroid will integrate Solar Solutions and/or Wind Turbines to the CTmini. This product bundle will give you flexibility when monitoring air for non-powered and remote locations.
Drone Based Air Quality Monitor continues to improve on real-time and recorded
chemical monitoring and collection of airborne chemicals.
The Drone-Based Weather Station Anemometer is the perfect solution for accurate wind speed, direction and azimuth measurements while in flight.
Our Scentroid thermal imaging measures surface temperatures by interlacing infrared camera stills into video format.
Our DR2000 Drone-Based Air Quality Monitor specifically designed to collect and monitor airborne chemicals in real-time, for hard to reach or hazardous locations not easily or quickly accessible. By integrating our Drone-Based Weather Station and Thermal Camera, you are not only receiving chemical concentration data from our chemical sensers, but also wind speed/direction data and thermal images. All data is stored internally for future analysis.
Our integrated Sample Acquisition System can be activated by the operator to simultaneously collect Air Samples during flight for future Lab analysis. Overall, this product bundle will provide a complete result of your assessment.
We can recommend devices that work the best for your industry.