- 416.479.0078
- info@scentroid.com
70 Innovator Ave. Unit 7
Stouffville, ON. L4A 0Y2
PMD100 helps workers in hazardous environments.
Customizable Particulate Matter Monitor – Provides real-time and recorded data for PM1, 2.5, 4, and 10, CO2, NOx Index, VOC Index, Temperature and Relative Humidity.
Our automated airborne lead analyzer samples the air, extracts, and measures the concentration of total lead, all in one go.
Our automated airborne heavy metal analyzer samples the air, extracts, and measures the concentration of metals, all in one go.
The first high powered & cost effective Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring solution for your enclosed space.
Provides high accuracy (ppb level) detection of odorous gases such as H2S, NH3, VOCs, SO2 & odour concentration.
A complete platform that provides detailed air quality information within urban landscapes.
Drone Based Air Quality Monitor continues to improve upon the collection and monitoring of airborne chemicals.
Drone Based Weather Station can be used to sample and analyze ambient air at heights of up to 150 meters above ground level.
An air quality monitor and mobile laboratory of measuring ambient air quality with up to 10 sensors and analyzers.
Portable, muti-sensor analysis tool that simultaneously measures and records two
chemicals in ambient air.
Providing real-time air quality monitoring based on high accuracy detection of dangerous gases.
GD600 simplifies the calibration of chemical analyzers and generates its own zero-air by scrubbing the ambient air using its 3-stage filter.
A smart monitoring system designed to detect blockages early, ensure proper ventilation, and prevent sewage backflow.
PMD100 helps workers in hazardous environments.
Wearable, easy-to-use, cost-effective device to provide standardized, accurate and verifiable odour levels measurements.
Help you to accurately quantify odour concentration of ambient air and source samples.
Transporting to site and deploying in minutes for a complete accredited olfactometric laboratory.
A specialized multi-sensory olfactometer for advanced psychological and physiological research and treatment.
The world’s only portable six-panel olfactometer. The compact, flexible form allows for easy transportation and deployment.
Designed to provide accurate N-butanol mixtures of 5 to 50 ppm from a liquid N-butanol source.
The world’s most advanced stationary, dynamic, and fully automated olfactometer.
SE700 delivers odorants to patients with absolute precision in concentration and duration.
Portable, easy-to-use, cost-effective Gas Collection Sampler used in conjunction with Sample Collection Bags.
A contaminate-free solution for taking air samples from bio-filter beds and other surfaces that have a positive air flow.
Used for sampling on solid or liquid surfaces with passive odour emissions in accordance with the EN13725 and VDI3880.
An easy to use device that minimize condensation inside the sample bag.
High-temperature cleaning solution for olfactometry equipment which may be contaminated with odour.
Utilizing the antibacterial properties of Ozone to clean olfactometry equipment which may be contaminated by odour.
We can recommend devices that work the best for your industry.