

Chemical Smell

Understanding Chemical Odours: What Do They Mean for Your Health?

Did you know that various chemicals can produce distinct odours, while others might be completely odourless? For instance, a sweet smell could indicate the presence of harmful chemicals that may cause temporary symptoms like headaches or nausea. However, individual reactions to odours can vary. Generally, as the concentration of these chemicals increases, more people are likely to experience symptoms. Curious about what specific chemical smells signify? Let's explore their meanings and potential health impacts!


Benzene / Ethylbenzene / Non-Methane Hydrocarbon

Benzene is a volatile, aromatic hydrocarbon that is a key component of gasoline. The overall gasoline smell is a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, including toluene, xylene, and others, which together contribute to its characteristics.

Rotten Egg

Hydrogen Sulfide / Methane

Hydrogen Sulfide is a colorless gas with a strong, unpleasant odor that resembles rotten eggs. This odor is due to its sulfur content, and even at low concentrations, it can be quite overpowering and offensive.


Chlorine / Chlorine Dioxide / Nitrogen Dioxide / Ozone

The strong, disinfectant odor of household bleach or swimming pools commonly produces the smell of chlorine. Inhaling chlorine gas irritates the respiratory system and causes coughing and discomfort.



The odor of urine closely resembles the smell of ammonia because urine naturally contains ammonia as a byproduct of protein breakdown. Bacteria break down urea into ammonia during the decomposition of urine.

Decaying Fish

Phosphine / Arsine

Both Phosphine and Arsine are colorless with garlicky and fishy smell. Both are highly toxic and handle it with extreme caution and ensure proper safety measures are in place.


Hydrogen Cyanide

Bitter almond-like odour of Hydrogen cyanide is quite potent, but not everyone can detect it. Hydrogen cyanide is a highly toxic and flammable gas.


Nitric Oxide / Ethylene

Industries commonly use xylene as a solvent in various applications, including some paints and coatings. The chemical industry often uses ethylene as a plant growth regulator and in the production of various chemicals.



Manufacturers commonly use formaldehyde in many processes. It easily turns into a gas at room temperature, placing it in a larger group of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


Methanol / Ethanol

Methanol is a colorless liquid with a relatively mild, slightly alcoholic or ether-like odor. Despite its mild smell, people should handle methanol with care to avoid inhalation or ingestion because it is toxic.


Dimethyl Sulfide / Methyl Mercaptan

The smell of Dimethyl sulfide is strong and unpleasant, which is often described as resembling rotting cabbage. It can be produced through the microbial breakdown of sulfur-containing compounds or as a byproduct in certain chemical processes.


Hydrogen Chloride

When Hydrogen chloride gas dissolves in water, it forms hydrochloric acid. Acetic acid has a vinegar-like smell, while hydrochloric acid, when concentrated, has a sharp, biting smell that is not like vinegar but rather more akin to other strong acids.

Rotten Onion

Tert Butylthiol

Tert Butylthiol has a very strong, unpleasant odour. It is a sulfur-containing compound, and its smell is quite pungent, making it noticeable even at low concentrations. It’s used as an odorant in natural gas to help detect leaks.


Carbon Monoxide / Oxygen / Hydrogen / Sulfur Dioxide / Radon Gas / Helium / Phosgene / Tetrahydrothiophene

A lot of harmful chemical gases are colorless, odorless and tasteless, it can be difficult to detect without specialized equipment. Some of the odourless gases can be harmful, it is important to monitor the concentration of the gas in facility to prevent any significant health effects.

Our Sensor Technology

Odour can be a clue of what chemical might be in the air. Our chemical sensor technology is designed to accurately detect and measure a wide range of airborne particles.

We ensure resources are well spent and that results obtained are of the highest standards, as is expected of Scentroid. Learn more about our chemical sensor technology!

Chemical Analyzers

Each analyzer can be customized with the specific sensors that are best suited for your industry, and the odours you need to monitor. 


Can be equipped with up to 11 sensors from our sensor list. Studies have shown a 98% accuracy retention even in extreme weather conditions.


Delivers highly accurate data on PM 1, 2.5, 4, and 10, Temperature and Relative Humidity with compact design and seamless cloud connectivity.



The AQmini is the first high powered & cost effective Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring solution for your enclosed space, including Toxins etc.

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Chemical Pollutants





Fuel Sulfur Content Emission

Hydrogen Sulfide


Nitrous Oxide


Particulate Matter

PM1 / PM2.5 / PM4 / PM10

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Sulfur Dioxide

Volatile Organic Compounds

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